Alumnus at Tulane University
Class of 2021
Current: Mililani, HI
Major: Public Health
Concentration: Pre-Med
Secondary Major: French
Minor: Homeland Security
My favorite NOLA festival is a very close toss-up between Beignet Fest and Mardi Gras
I chose Tulane because it has one of the top Public Health programs in the country, which is something that really appealed to me. Additionally, being in a city and state with an immense French history excited me due to my desire to continue studying the language. Finally, the other part of Tulane that really led me to pick it was its strong commitment to public service and giving back to the community. Finally, I'm a huge Saints fan so there really wasn't any other place I wanted to go! :)
French Societies and Institutions- Dr. Jean Bidima
My favorite spots in New Orleans are definitely the Superdome, Magazine Street, Audubon Park, and though it isn't in New Orleans proper, I love the bayou.